Industrialized Wood Based Construction Conference Videos Released
The recently held IWBC conference in Boston posted videos of their keynote speakers: some of the world’s leading offsite, wood-based, automated construction innovators.

The recently held IWBC conference in Boston posted videos of their keynote speakers: some of the world’s leading offsite, wood-based, automated construction innovators.
Cool video of 6 story Cross Laminated Timber building being erected in just 35 days! via Nordic District03 EN – YouTube.
The new University of Massachusetts Design Building, completed in Spring 2017, employs Wood-Concrete Composites — a technology researched by our very own Bio-Based Building …
Wood on the Plaza was an exhibition on Wood Architecture and Engineering, complete with the construction of a high-tech timber grid shell …
Chad Oliver, Director of Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry at Yale University, conducts research on how increasing wood harvest would have profound positive impact …